MacWorld 2000 January
Macworld (2000-01).dmg
Shareware World
YER 1.0.0
YER 1.0.0 FAT
YER 1.0.0 FAT.rsrc
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205 lines
(GX Error) unknown_font_scaler_error = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 20
(GX Error) font_scaler_streaming_aborted = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 19
(GX Error) font_scaler_api_version_mismatch = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 18
(GX Error) font_scaler_fixed_overflow = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 17
(GX Error) font_scaler_invalid_matrix = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 16
(GX Error) font_scaler_internal_error = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 15
(GX Error) font_scaler_rasterizer_error = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 14
(GX Error) font_scaler_hinting_error = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 13
(GX Error) unsupported_font_scaler_font_format = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 12
(GX Error) unsupported_font_scaler_stream_format = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 11
(GX Error) unsupported_font_scaler_outline_format = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 10
(GX Error) required_font_scaler_table_missing = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 9
(GX Error) font_scaler_outline_allocation_failed = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 8
(GX Error) font_scaler_bitmap_allocation_failed = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 7
(GX Error) font_scaler_getfonttable_failed = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 6
(GX Error) font_scaler_newblock_failed = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 5
(GX Error) invalid_font_scaler_font_data = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 4
(GX Error) invalid_font_scaler_input = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 3
(GX Error) invalid_font_scaler_context = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 2
(GX Error) null_font_scaler_input = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900) + 1
(GX Error) null_font_scaler_context = gxFirstFontScalerError (-27900)
(GX Error) illegal_font_parameter = -27943
(GX Error) font_cannot_be_changed = -27944
(GX Error) unflattening_interrupted_by_client = -27945
(GX Error) could_not_dispose_backing_store = -27946
(GX Error) internal_layout_error = gxFirstNonfatalError (-27950) + 2
(GX Error) internal_font_error = gxFirstNonfatalError (-27950) + 1
(GX Error) internal_error = gxFirstNonfatalError (-27950)
(GX Error) could_not_create_backing_store = gxFirstFatalError (-27999) + 4
(GX Error) not_enough_memory_for_graphics_client_heap = gxFirstFatalError (-27999) + 3
(GX Error) no_outline_font_found = gxFirstFatalError (-27999) + 2
(GX Error) internal_fatal_error = gxFirstFatalError (-27999) + 1
(GX Error) out_of_memory = gxFirstFatalError (-27999)
scsiVendorSpecificErrorBase = -7808 •Start of third-party error range
scsiPluginInternalError = -7848 •Internal consistency check failed
1)scsiCannotLoadPlugin •No matching service category
2)scsiFamilyInternalError • Internal consistency check failed •-7849
scsiBadConnType = -7850 •Bad connection type
scsiUnused85 = -7851
scsiUnused84 = -7852
scsiTargetReserved = -7853 •Target already reserved
scsiIOInProgress = -7854 •Can't close conn, IO in prog
scsiUnused81 = -7855
scsiBadConnID = -7856 •Bad Connection ID
scsiUnused79 = -7857
scsiInvalidMsgType = -7858 •Invalid message type (internal)
scsiPartialPrepared = -7859 •could not do full prepare mem for I/O
scsiBadDataLength = -7860 •a zero data length in PB
scsiUnused75 = -7861
scsiUnused74 = -7862
scsiCDBLengthInvalid = -7863 •scsiCDBLength field is too big
scsiTransferTypeInvalid = -7864 •scsiTransferType field is too high
scsiDataTypeInvalid = -7865 •scsiDataType requested not supported
scsiIDInvalid = -7866 •The initiator ID is invalid
scsiLUNInvalid = -7867 •LUN supplied is invalid
scsiTIDInvalid = -7868 •Target ID supplied is invalid
scsiBusInvalid = -7869 •Bus ID supplied is invalid
scsiRequestInvalid = -7870 •PB request is invalid
scsiFunctionNotAvailable = -7871 •The requ. func is not available
1)scsiPBLengthError •(scsiPBLength is insuf'ct/invalid
2)scsiParameterErrors = -7872
scsiQLinkInvalid = -7881 •pre-linked PBs not supported(The QLink field was nonzero)
scsiNoSuchXref = -7882 •no such RefNum xref
scsiDeviceConflict = -7883 •sorry, max 1 refNum per DeviceIdent
scsiNoHBA = -7884 •No HBA detected Error
scsiDeviceNotThere = -7885 •SCSI device not installed/there
scsiProvideFail = -7886 •Unable to provide requ. capability
scsiBusy = -7887 •SCSI subsystem is busy
1)scsiTooManyBuses •Register failed because we're full
2)scsiNotExecutedErrors = -7888
scsiCDBReceived = -7910 •The SCSI CDB has been received
scsiNoNexus = -7911 •Nexus is not established
scsiTerminated = -7912 •PB request terminated by the host
scsiBDRsent = -7913 •A SCSI BDR msg was sent to target
scsiUnused16 = -7914
scsiWrongDirection = -7915 •Data phase was in wrong direction
scsiSequenceFailed = -7916 •Target bus phase sequence failure
scsiUnexpectedBusFree = -7917 •Unexpected BUS free
scsiDataRunError = -7918 •Data overrun/underrun error
scsiUnused11 = -7919
scsiAutosenseFailed = -7920 •Autosense: Request sense cmd fail
scsiParityError = -7921 •Uncorrectable parity error occured
scsiSCSIBusReset = -7922 •SCSI bus reset sent/received
scsiMessageRejectReceived = -7923 •Message reject received
scsiIdentifyMessageRejected = -7924
scsiCommandTimeout = -7925 •Command timeout
scsiSelectTimeout = -7926 •Target selection timeout
scsiUnableToTerminate = -7927 •Unable to Terminate I/O PB req
scsiUnused08 = -7928
scsiUnused07 = -7929
scsiUnused06 = -7930
scsiUnused05 = -7931
scsiNonZeroStatus = -7932 •PB request completed with an err
scsiUnableToAbort = -7933 •Unable to Abort PB request
scsiRequestAborted = -7934 •PB request aborted by the host
2)scsiExecutionErrors = -7936
OSAControlFlowError = -2755 •Signaled when illegal control flow occurs in an application (no catcher for throw, non-lexical loop exit, etc.)
OSAInconsistentDeclarations = -2754 •Signaled when a variable is declared inconsistently in the same scope, such as both local and global
OSAUndefinedVariable = -2753 •Signaled when a variable is accessed that has no value
OSADuplicateHandler = -2752 •Signaled when more than one handler is defined with the same name in a scope where the language doesn't allow it
OSADuplicateProperty = -2751 •Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once
OSADuplicateParameter = -2750 •Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once,
OSATokenTooLong = -2742 •Signaled when a name or number is too long to be parsed